The Cellphone Will
Can you type out your will on your cellphone? According to an appellate court in Michigan, you can. In 2016, a 21-year-old man took his...
Erin W. Lewis Law Feature - Best Lawyers in Little Rock 2017
How Medical Marijuana in Arkansas Affects Gun Possession
With marijuana dispensaries on the way to the state, some Arkansans who own firearms may think twice about applying for a medical...
Texting and Driving Comes With a Price: New Law in Arkansas
Texting and driving is something no one wants to admit to doing, but people do, from time to time, text friends and family members while...
"Open Carry" in Arkansas
In August 2013, the legislature revised Arkansas’s gun possession law. Now, some citizens may be permitted to openly carry a weapon...
Law Establishing that Cohabitation Terminates Alimony Does Not Apply Retroactively
Under Arkansas law, a party’s liability for making alimony payments terminates if the party who is receiving the alimony payments begins...
Sealing Your Criminal Record
It is important to understand your rights when it comes to sealing your criminal record. In 2013, the Arkansas Legislature passed Act...